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Shiny New Tech (2014)

Edmond Lau, July 2014

My previous presentation (2011)
My previous presentation (2012) Evolution of DIY Electronics
So what are some of the cool tech in the market today?

4K is within reach soon!

Lifehacker article - Seiki 39" 4K LED TV ($329) - Samsung 28" 4K Monitor ($616)

Smart Watches

Smart phones is out, smart watch is in!

Moto 360 - Pebble - Withings Activité


Android is still going    strong!

Android's new Material Design in "L" - Project Ara - Blackphone - Blackphone Review - Appurify

Shiny New Software

Some cool software tools

Stamplay - - Griddify - theatre.js - gremlins - - - Odyssey.js

Responsive (Optional Topics)

There are a few companies out there that do really well making responsive web sites

Medium - Medium Example - - elespacio - pushhere - readymag - jam3

TED: Kirby Ferguson - Embrace the remix

Steve Jobs: I mean, Picasso had a saying. He said, "Good artists copy. Great artists steal." And we have, you know, always been shameless about stealing great ideas.

Creative Commons License
Shiny New Things by Edmond Lau is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.


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