4K is within reach soon!
Android is still going strong!
Android's new Material Design in "L" - Project Ara - Blackphone - Blackphone Review - Appurify
Shiny New Software
Some cool software tools
Stamplay - apiary.io - Griddify - theatre.js - gremlins - segment.io - prediction.io - Odyssey.js
Responsive (Optional Topics)
There are a few companies out there that do really well making responsive web sites
Medium - Medium Example - 1md.be - elespacio - pushhere - readymag - jam3
TED: Kirby Ferguson - Embrace the remix
Steve Jobs: I mean, Picasso had a saying. He said, "Good artists copy. Great artists steal." And we have, you know, always been shameless about stealing great ideas.
Shiny New Things by Edmond Lau is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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